Grape Tomato Bruschetta

I don’t even like tomatoes.  So saying that I looooooove this bruschetta is definitely saying something.  It’s super fast, oober pretty, not AS unhealthy as most of the other crap that I’m usually making, and it’s one of those appetizers that just about everyone will enjoy. Prior to finding this recipe by the Pioneer Woman, […]

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Adventures in baking…

Contrary to popular belief, my baking escapades aren’t always filled with sunshine and rainbows.  Usually, when it’s really important, my bacon is burning, I’ve simmered the garlic too long, I can’t find the cocoa powder, and (drumroll please), I’ve dropped my iPhone in melted chocolate.  When I say dropped my iPhone in melted chocolate, what […]

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Oh, you fancy, huh?

Yea, I decided to get fancy for you.  So fancy in fact, that I made you something that requires a French accent to say and uses over-priced, organic ingredients from Whole Foods… that fancy.  It all started when mi madre asked me to make an appetizer for Thanksgiving.  Simple, right?  Ha.  It began simply enough… […]

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Bananas make it healthy… in my world.

So I have these feelings about produce.  Realllllly strong feelings.  I’ll just put it out there: I’m a produce snob… HUGE produce snob.  I simply refuse to eat even a slightly mushy grape, an apple with a single bruise, a teensy bit overripe peach, or a banana with a hint of brown.  I’ve always been […]

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Tortellini Pasta Salad

A few weeks back my roomies and I hosted a house-warming BBQ.  For this BBQ, I was determined to enjoy my company and not spend the entire event chained to the stove or oven, surrounded by a mountain of dishes, with 15 different kitchen timers and microwave buzzers going off at the same time.  Somehow […]

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The pancakes dreams are made of…

For a gal that really loves food, I’m just not crazy about breakfast.  Waffles… eh.  Scrambles eggs… gross.  Breakfast burritos… lack luster.  French toast… I’ll pass.  So, when breakfast is up to me, it’s never your standard pancakes, eggs and bacon.  Nope, this girl will choose these amazing corn pancakes every time.  They are savory, […]

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Soubise Salmon and Spicy Wilty Greens

Let me tell you about a little thing called Soubise sauce.  Have you ever heard of it?  Well if you hadn’t- you have now, and you’re very welcome. There’s really a sauce hierarchy in my life.  In my world tomato-based sauces are the lowest on the totem pole, probably because they’re usually the healthiest option… […]

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